
Mobile ads boom raises privacy concerns

A boom in mobile adverts that can target individual smartphone and tablet users is raising deep concerns over the protection of private data, industry leaders say.

New mobiles have gadgets for the elderly

As the mobile world booms with complex technological smartphones and tablets, two rival firms are carving up a growing but largely ignored market for the elderly.

New mobile can check pulse, send ambulance

A new phone developed in Singapore takes your pulse when you press your fingers on a receptor, and sends the results to a 24-hour medical call centre.

Eggs' quality control mechanism explained

To protect the health of future generations, body keeps a careful watch on its precious and limited supply of eggs. That's done through a key quality control process in oocytes (the immature eggs), which ensures elimination ...

World's first skyscraper was a monument to intimidation

Discovered by archaeologists in 1952, a 28-foot-high stone tower discovered on the edge of the town of Jericho has puzzled scientists ever since. Now, 11,000 years after it was built, Tel Aviv University archaeologists at ...

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