
New 'Buck' naked barley: Food, feed, brew

Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) are giving an ancient grain a new life: this barley is naked, but not in an indecent way.

New defenses sought against GPS spoofing attacks

Cyberattacks with the potential to expose sensitive information and cripple basic services could start with what would seem to be the most harmless of computer functions.

California governor considers one-tunnel water plan

Gov. Jerry Brown's administration is proposing scaling back his troubled plans to redo California's water system, releasing a new plan that would build only one tunnel to ship water from Northern California instead of two, ...

'Alien attack' in Tokyo as Space Invaders turns 40

Block graphic aliens dropped down the window panes of a Tokyo skyscraper before being blasted into oblivion by enthusiastic gamers celebrating 40 years of the arcade sensation "Space Invaders".

S. Korea's 'kimchi deficit' hits record high

South Korea's trade deficit in kimchi, its proud traditional side dish of fermented cabbage, reached an all-time high last year as low-priced Chinese imports flooded the market, statistics showed Wednesday.

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