
Researchers explore anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin

Extracts of the plant turmeric—the spice that gives Indian curries a yellow color—have been used as an anti-inflammatory treatment in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Clinical trials of curcumin (the active chemical ...

Study finds strategy to recover from interruptions at work

Get interrupted at work much? Making a quick plan for returning to and completing the task you're leaving will help you focus better on the interrupting work, according to new research from the University of Washington.

Clean and green—a moss that removes lead from water

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan have demonstrated that that moss can be a green alternative for decontaminating polluted water and soil. Published in PLOS ONE, the study shows ...

Study suggests ways to encourage homeowners to save energy

As winter temperatures plummet into the single digits, plenty of homeowners wish they could keep their home energy costs down—and help the environment to boot!—but often fail to take action. A new study led by Kathryn ...

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