
Scientists find 3-D material that mimics 2-D graphene

(Phys.org) —Graphene—the thinnest and strongest known material in the universe and a formidable conductor of electricity and heat – gets many of its amazing properties from the fact that it occupies only two dimensions: ...

Three reasons to raise the federal minimum wage

Leading economists, including Lisa M. Lynch, dean of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, sent a joint letter this week to President Obama and congressional leaders in support of the Fair Minimum Wage Act. ...

Enormous scale of Nile 'mega lake' revealed

(Phys.org) —The eastern Sahara Desert was once home to a 45,000 km2 freshwater lake similar in surface area to the largest in the world today.

Bailed-out banks issued riskier loans

(Phys.org) —Banks that received federal bailout money approved riskier loans and shifted capital toward risky investments, according to a University of Michigan researcher.

Strides in Earthquake Science

Twenty years ago, a fault that scientists didn't even know existed slipped, triggering a massive 6.7 magnitude earthquake centered beneath the San Fernando Valley, with shockwaves rippling throughout the greater Los Angeles ...

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