
Soft Lego built in the computer

Barbara Capone of the Computational Physics Group of the University of Vienna has developed a new method for the construction of building blocks at the nanoscale. The researcher in Soft Matter Physics, who works at the group ...

Eclipse Calculator: New eclipse-simulation app for your mobile

Which future eclipses will be visible from my location? What will they be like? How long will they last? These are some of the questions answered by the new application Eclipse Calculator, designed by University of Barcelona ...

Rolling dice reveals level of illegal badger killing

A little-used method for estimating how many people are involved in sensitive or illegal activities can provide critical information to environmental policy makers involved in the proposed badger culling scheme in England, ...

Enzyme created in test tube displays new structure, function

(Phys.org)—Five years ago, a pair of researchers used a clever update on a technique called in vitro evolution – evolution in a test tube – to turn an ordinary protein into an artificial enzyme, a biological catalyst ...

Iconic beach resorts may not survive sea level rises

A leading coastal scientist has warned that some of the world's best known beach resorts may not survive projected sea level rises and that problems caused by changing sea levels are compounded by a lack of political will ...

A single molecule in sight: Intelligent molecules

Intelligence is not only a matter of humans and animals. Scientists speak also of intelligent molecules. The latter directly react to external stimuli and change reversibly their shape. NIM physicists demonstrate the process ...

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