
Rating systems may discriminate against Uber drivers

Many new "sharing economy" companies, like Uber and Airbnb, use consumer-sourced ratings to evaluate their workers – but these systems can be fraught with difficulties, including bias based on race or gender.

A drone that flies (almost) like a bird

A drone has been equipped with feathers to increase its precision during flight. The bio-inspired device can spread or close its wings while flying, making it easier to maneuver and more resistant in high winds.

Think twice before trusting a digital assistant to do the shopping

Online shopping for Christmas is likely to be very different in the not too distant future. While today we use search engines for information, in the years ahead we will increasingly rely on digital personal assistants, voice-activated ...

Dawn space probe discovers water ice in Ceres' polar region

The American Dawn space probe has been orbiting the asteroid Ceres between Mars and Jupiter since March 2015. Thanks to the two identical onboard cameras from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), the ...

Verlinde's new theory of gravity passes first test

A team led by astronomer Margot Brouwer (Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands) has tested the new theory of theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde (University of Amsterdam) for the first time through the lensing effect of gravity. ...

New structure shows how cells assemble protein-making machinery

Scientists at The Rockefeller University have created the most detailed three-dimensional images to date of an important step in the process by which cells make the nano-machines responsible for producing all-important protein. ...

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