
Ding dong measurement on high

Bells are a popular source of festive delight during the Christmas period – and now beautiful images showing in unprecedented detail how bells vibrate to make a harmonious sound have been produced by the commercial team ...

History of Andromeda galaxy studied through stellar remains

The Andromeda galaxy (or M31) is the massive galaxy nearest to us, and it is an excellent laboratory to study the characteristics and the history of great galactic spirals such as our own Milky Way. An international group ...

New app explores ice and sea level change through time

Why does sea level change at different rates? How has it changed in the past? Who will be at risk from more extreme weather and sea level rise in the future? Our scientists often hear questions like these from students, government ...

Bling for dogs helps fight global problem

In many parts of the world, transmission of rabies and other diseases in free-roaming dogs is a serious health problem – and not only for the animals.

QTemp—a weather station you can wear

Living in Canada means living with unpredictable weather. Neda Ghazi and Alireza Monam, co-founders of Comfable, have made it their goal to help people lead healthier and more comfortable lives with QTemp, a wearable weather ...

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