
Time-resolved measurement of the anomalous velocity

The movement of charge carriers perpendicular to an electric driving field – even without a magnetic field – constitutes one of the most intriguing properties of carriers in solids. This anomalous velocity is at the origin ...

Spider signal threads reveal remote sensing design secrets

When you look at a spider web in the garden, one thing is often noticeably absent: the spider. This may be because it is lurking away from the web in a 'retreat', where it can monitor web vibrations through a proxy known ...

Cost-effective new process gets chitin out of its shell

By showing that chitin can be extracted from shells at scale in an efficient and environmentally sustainable manner, the EU-funded CHIBIO project has positive implications not just for Europe's seafood industry but also for ...

Catch this season's 'other' comet—S2 PanSTARRS

Now is the time to catch binocular Comet C/2014 S2 PanSTARRS, as it tops +8 magnitude ahead of predictions this month and crosses circumpolar northern skies. Will this Christmas comet stay bright post-perihelion, rivaling ...

Blue-green alga danger in rivers

Summer for most of us is a time to embrace the warmer weather, but it also provides the perfect growing conditions for a potentially lethal blue-green alga that's found in many New Zealand rivers, and which is the subject ...

Cosmic jets light up black hole's snack

A black hole is often thought of as a giant galactic vacuum cleaner constantly sucking in cosmic material, tearing it apart and swallowing it. So black holes should do exactly the same thing with stars, right?

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