
First clinical study of computer security

Installing computer security software, updating applications regularly and making sure not to open emails from unknown senders are just a few examples of ways to reduce the risk of infection by malicious software, or "malware". ...

Nearby failed stars may harbor planet

(Phys.org) —Astronomers, including Carnegie's Yuri Beletsky, took precise measurements of the closest pair of failed stars to the Sun, which suggest that the system harbors a third, planetary-mass object.The research is ...

Good news for Arctic, as sea ice volume up by half

Arctic sea ice last month was around 50 percent higher in volume compared with a year earlier, following a recovery in area this summer, the European Space Agency (ESA) said Monday.

BIM: Changing the way architects and builders work

The construction of a building does not only start with its design by architects and engineers. It also depends on determining a broad array of factors, including the price of materials, labour, the writing of specifications ...

500Mbps G.fast gets ITU first stage approval

(Phys.org) —G.fast, the 500Mbps successor to DSL and alternative to fiber has passed first stage approval from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The move paves the way for hardware companies to finalize equipment ...

A terahertz generator with the highest signal quality

Researchers at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and the firm Luz WaveLabs are developing an innovative Terahertz generator that improves signal quality by one million times as compared to the best device of this ...

Jaywalking not worth the risk, expert says

The hectic holidays may have many looking to save a few extra minutes wherever they can be found, but a University of Alabama at Birmingham expert says one seemingly small action—jaywalking—should be avoided at all times.

The iPod zombies are more social than you think

Teenagers get a bad rap for zoning out on their iPods at every given opportunity, but they may not be the unsociable narcissists they are often portrayed as. In fact, they are often skilled users who manage their devices ...

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