
One in 10 young adults experience homelessness during one year

A groundbreaking study released Nov. 15 by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago reveals one in 10 young adults between the ages of 18 and 25, and at least one in 30 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17, experience ...

How to see the atmosphere

How can you see the atmosphere? The answer is blowing in the wind. Tiny particles, known as aerosols, are carried by winds around the globe. This visualization uses data from NASA satellites combined with our knowledge of ...

Research reveals microbial threat to key nutrient

For the most part, scientists think of the trillions of microbes that call the human gut home as allies—after all, they've been shown to aid the body in synthesizing key vitamins and other nutrients.

Using polymeric membranes to clean up industrial separations

There are scores of promising technologies under development that can reduce energy consumption or capture carbon in fields including biotech, computer science, nanotechnology, materials science, and more. Not all will prove ...

Optically tunable microwave antennas for 5G applications

Multiband tunable antennas are a critical part of many communication and radar systems. New research by engineers at the University of Bristol has shown significant advances in antennas by using optically induced plasmas ...

Game theory harnessed for cybersecurity of large-scale nets

Researchers have laid the groundwork for a method to improve cybersecurity for large-scale systems like the power grid and autonomous military defense networks by harnessing game theory and creating new intelligent algorithms.

Are petite poplars the future of biofuels? Studies say yes

In the quest to produce affordable biofuels, poplar trees are one of the Pacific Northwest's best bets—the trees are abundant, fast-growing, adaptable to many terrains and their wood can be transformed into substances used ...

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