
Inequality not inevitable among mammals, study shows

Because literature and film so often depict nature as inherently unfair, people assume that animals live in a "dog-eat-dog world." Inequality might seem like an inevitable fact of life, but a new analysis of data for 66 species ...

Plastic-eating enzymes could help solve pollution problem

Two new enzymes can break down one of the most common single-use plastics, according to the study "Modulating biofilm can potentiate activity of novel plastic-degrading enzymes" by Brunel University London published in the ...

Two new pulsars detected in globular cluster NGC 6522

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, an international team of astronomers has observed a Galactic globular cluster known as NGC 6522. As a result, they have discovered two new isolated pulsars in this cluster. The finding is ...

How Belize became a poster child for 'debt-for-nature' swaps

When COVID hit Belize, its economy nosedived: closed borders meant fisheries and farmers had no export markets, and tourism centered on the tiny Central American nation's warm waters and wonders of biodiversity came to a ...

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