
'Hungry bear' crisis grips far east Russian region

Large numbers of hungry, aggressive bears are approaching humans and have killed two people in Russia's far east due to depleting food sources, a forestry worker told AFP Monday.

Image: Clouds over lava flows on Mars

Diffuse, water-ice clouds, a hazy sky and a light breeze. Such might have read a weather forecast for the Tharsis volcanic region on Mars on 22 November 2016, when this image was taken by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.

Australia's getting a space agency—now what?

With an Australian space agency on everyone's mind, we chatted to the European Space Agency's Director General about how we got here, what's next and why space agencies matter.

Ocean atmosphere rife with microbes

Microbes are dispersed widely over the oceans with islands acting as stepping-stones to help transport of land-based organisms.

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