
AI system identifies buildings damaged by wildfire

People around the globe have suffered the nerve-wracking anxiety of waiting weeks or months to find out if their homes have been damaged by wildfires that scorch with increased intensity. Now, once the smoke has cleared for ...

How do wild pigs affect riparian systems?

In the U.S., wild pigs are an invasive species and can cause a lot of damage to the ecosystems in which they live. In the September 15th Soils Matter blog, Sara Bolds from Auburn University writes about how wild pigs can ...

Low oxygen levels are pushing fish into shallower waters

Fish can drown. While it may not seem like it, fish do require oxygen to breathe; it's just that they get what they need from the oxygen dissolved in water rather than in the air. Too little oxygen spells trouble for our ...

New model could help predict Gulf of Mexico hurricanes

By analyzing the temperature of the atmosphere several miles above the Earth, researchers have found a way to predict how many hurricanes may sweep through the Gulf of Mexico in the summer and fall.   

Fossilized footprints reveal prehistoric elephant nursery

Fossilized footprint tracks from the Matalascañas Trampled Surface in Huelva, south west Spain suggest that the area was used by straight-tusked elephants (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) to raise newborn offspring during the Late ...

Staying young, from the cells on up

Researchers at Université de Montréal and McGill University have discovered a new multi-enzyme complex that reprograms metabolism and overcomes "cellular senescence," when aging cells stop dividing.

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