
One step closer future to quantum computers

Physicists at Uppsala University in Sweden have identified how to distinguish between true and 'fake' Majorana states in one of the most commonly used experimental setups, by means of supercurrent measurements. This theoretical ...

Rare metallic asteroids might have erupted molten iron

The metallic asteroid Psyche has mystified scientists because it is less dense than it should be, given its iron-nickel composition. Now, a new theory could explain Psyche's low density and metallic surface.

New sample holder for protein crystallography

Proteins are huge molecules that often have complex three-dimensional structure and morphology that can include side chains, folds, and twists. This three-dimensional shape is often the determining factor of their function ...

Palmer amaranth's molecular secrets reveal troubling potential

Corn, soybean, and cotton farmers shudder at the thought of Palmer amaranth invading their fields. The aggressive cousin of waterhemp—itself a formidable adversary—grows extremely rapidly, produces hundreds of thousands ...

The sleep neuron in threadworms is also a stop neuron

Wagner Steuer Costa in the team of Alexander Gottschalk, Professor for Molecular Cell Biology and Neurobiochemistry, discovered the sleep neuron RIS a few years ago by coincidence—simultaneously with other groups. To understand ...

Engineers hone our ability to map storm flooding

In major storms such as Hurricane Dorian, which initially posed grave threats to the southeastern United States before devastating the Bahamas, massive flooding can occur within a matter of hours.

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