
Stopping a soil-borne fungus using charcoal

They are a staple in billions of people's diet worldwide, but a soil-borne fungus is threatening the health of tomato plants. Scientists are using novel techniques to understand the relationship between the disease and the ...

Tracking slow nanolight in natural hyperbolic metamaterial slabs

Researchers at CIC nanoGUNE (Basque Country) in collaboration with colleagues at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Catalunya) have imaged how light moves inside an exotic class of matter known as "hyperbolic materials." ...

A shy galactic neighbor

The Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy, pictured in this new image from the Wide Field Imager camera, installed on the 2.2-metre MPG/ESO telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory, is a close neighbour of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Despite ...

One step closer to a new kind of computer

An international group of physicists, including Aleksandr Golubov, head of the MIPT Laboratory of Topological Quantum Phenomena in Superconductor Systems, recently presented results of experiments testing a new phenomenon ...

Debate resumes in Las Vegas about Nevada nuclear dump idea

The debate resumed Tuesday in Nevada about the possibility of radioactive contamination of the underground water supply from a proposed national nuclear waste repository in the desert near where nuclear weapons tests were ...

Global marine populations slashed by half since 1970: WWF

Populations of marine mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have dropped by about half in the past four decades, with fish critical to human food suffering some of the greatest declines, WWF warned Wednesday.

Digital era hits income for writers: study

The digital era is cutting into income for book authors, making it more difficult to live off writing alone, a survey by the Authors Guild said Tuesday.

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