
Carbon injection initiative supported by new research

Worldwide attempts to tackle global warming by injecting carbon dioxide into underground volcanic rock have been informed by new research that shows the process happens naturally on a massive scale over millions of years.

Tandem microwave destroys hazmat, disinfects

Dangerous materials can be destroyed, bacteria spores can be disinfected, and information can be collected that reveals the country of origin of radiological isotopes - all of this due to a commercial microwave modified by ...

Earthworms as nature's free fertilizer

Earthworm presence in the soil increases crop yield, shows a new study that was published this week in Scientific Reports. "This is not unexpected," says Jan Willem van Groenigen, associate professor in the Soil Biology group ...

Unraveling cell division

CRG researchers shed new light on mitosis. The study published in the Journal of Cell Biology describes how Topo 2 disentangles DNA molecules and is essential for proper cell division

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