
Ice lenses may cause many Arctic landslides

Climate change is driving periods of unusually high temperature across large swaths of the planet. These heat waves are especially detrimental in the Arctic, where they can push surface temperatures in regions of significant ...

Radio source J2102+6015 investigated in detail

An international team of astronomers has conducted a detailed study of a high-redshift young radio source designated J2102+6015. Results of the research, presented in a paper published August 4 on arXiv pre-print repository, ...

The long-term effect of wildfires in Canada: Q and A

The most harmful air pollutant worldwide is fine particular matter. In Canada, the biggest natural source of this pollutant is wildfires. Winds can spread wildfire smoke over a wide area, affecting areas hundreds of kilometers ...

Why we missed hugs

Rose Gagnon could not hug her grandchildren for several months.

Woven nanotube fibers turn heat into power

Invisibly small carbon nanotubes aligned as fibers and sewn into fabrics become a thermoelectric generator that can turn heat from the sun or other sources into energy.

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