
It'll be hard, but we can feed the world with plant protein

A U.N. report released last week found a quarter of the world's carbon emissions come from the food chain, particularly meat farming. This has prompted calls to sharply reduce emissions from agriculture and to feed the world ...

Damage found in the bit area of most Finnish trotting horses

In a Finnish study, damage was found in the part of the mouth affected by the bit in more than 80 percent of trotters examined after a race. However, such damage is easily overlooked due to being out of sight.

How plants can tell time even without a brain

Anyone who has traveled across multiple time zones and suffered jet lag will understand just how powerful our biological clocks are. In fact, every cell in the human body has its own molecular clock, which is capable of generating ...

Busting the myth of the 'white working class'

New research led by University of Leeds academics and UK's leading race equality think tank has highlighted growing racial and ethnic diversity in Northern towns and cities.

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