
Restrictions on research grant applications cause chaos

Mathematicians at the University of Kent, with input from the University of Sheffield, have established that current restrictions on academics applying for research grants are causing major problems, harming smaller institutions ...

In Yellowstone, one geyser's trash is a researcher's treasure

As tourists gathered on a cool June morning to view some of Yellowstone National Park's most iconic geysers, Montana State University researchers took to the boardwalks for another purpose: to collect trash that could lead ...

New algorithm limits bias in machine learning

Machine learning—a form of artificial intelligence based on the idea that computers can learn from data and make determinations with little help from humans—has the potential to improve our lives in countless ways. From ...

A silicon-nanoparticlephotonic waveguide

A new way to efficiently guide light at tiny scales has been demonstrated by an all-A*STAR team. Their method, which involves lining up silicon nanoparticles, is promising for applications such as light-based integrated circuits, ...

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