
A most singular nano-imaging technique (Update)

Just as proteins are one of the basic building blocks of biology, nanoparticles can serve as the basic building blocks for next generation materials. In keeping with this parallel between biology and nanotechnology, a proven ...

The emerging science of human screams

Our noisy world is no match for a screaming infant. An airplane could be flying by as a house party rages on downstairs while a literal cat fight takes place outside, and still a wailing baby will win your attention. One ...

Jurassic saw fastest mammal evolution

Mammals were evolving up to ten times faster in the middle of the Jurassic than they were at the end of the period, coinciding with an explosion of new adaptations, new research shows.

Major greenhouse gases hit record highs in 2014: report

In 2014 the world's oceans swelled, major greenhouse gases that fuel global warming hit record highs and the planet's surface temperature reached its hottest point in 135 years, international researchers said Thursday.

Are marine ecosystems headed toward a new productivity regime?

Phytoplankton have been projected to produce less organic material as the oceans' temperatures rise—with carry-on effects for higher levels of the food web. Based on new climate model simulations, a team of scientists from ...

Offering an effective route to low carbon economy

To achieve public support for a transformation to a low carbon society, politicians would be advised to implement a quantity-based energy quota system, with a fixed and decreasing cap on total use, rather than relying on ...

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