
Italians to send ISSpresso machine to ISS

(Phys.org) —A pair of Italian companies in cooperation with the Italian Space Agency (ISA) has announced plans to send an espresso machine to the International Space Station, (they're calling it the ISSpresso machine) allowing ...

Researchers 'cage' water to see it change form

(Phys.org) —Scientists are using a pioneering method of 'caging' and cooling water molecules to study the change in orientation of the magnetic nuclei at the centre of each hydrogen atom - a process which transforms the ...

Four new machines to aid oil extraction

The Center for Engineering and Industrial Development (CIDESI), located in Mexico, designed "tailored suits" for the oil industry. These are various machines that are used in the oil extraction processes and are essential ...

How carbon cousins shaped warfare and can electrify the future

What links legendarily sharp Damascene swords of the past with flexible electronics and high-performance electrical wiring of the future? They all owe their remarkable properties to different structural forms of carbon.

How marine life is responding to ocean acidification

(Phys.org) —A new study by researchers at the University of Bristol and Plymouth Marine Laboratory has shed light on how different species of marine organisms are reacting to ocean acidification.

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