
Unlocking Australia: What can benefit-cost analysis tell us?

Lockdowns work. That's the evidence from many different countries now, including Australia. To be more precise, lockdowns reduce the effective reproductive rate of the virus to the point where it is below 1, meaning that, ...

What is an individual? Information theory may provide the answer

It's almost impossible to imagine biology without individuals—individual organisms, individual cells, and individual genes, for example. But what about a worker ant that never reproduces, and could never survive apart from ...

Peeking into a world of spin-3/2 materials

Researchers have been pushing the frontiers of the quantum world for over a century. And time after time, spin has been a rich source of new physics.

The pandemic through the eyes of social scientists

The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in ...

How screen-based technologies are impacting school students

The first in a series of Growing Up Digital Australia reports by the Gonski Institute for Education at UNSW Sydney paints a worrying picture of changed learning conditions in Australian schools. Well before the COVID-19 pandemic ...

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