
US still world leader in patent filings

The United States remained world leader in international patent filings in 2015, followed by Japan and China, the World Intellectual Property Organization said on Wednesday.

Uber launches new food delivery app

The food delivery market just got more crowded with the launch Tuesday morning of a new on-demand meal app by Uber.

Startup makes sense of transit data

On the Internet, traffic is easily tracked. Google and Facebook have algorithms that know what users are searching for. Online retailers can monitor what shoppers are buying. Newspapers can see in real-time how many readers ...

Basic income—a radical idea for eliminating poverty

I imagine most of my readers have never heard of Dauphin, Manitoba. A small, farming community in Canada, Dauphin is a town that was part of an experiment back in the 1970s. The "mincome" project was launched in 1974, and ...

Frankenflies sent to defeat Zika

A coalition of the willing has unleashed a surge of Frankenflies at the frontline of the War on Zika. Armed with a genetic payload, the airborne troops will carry out a precision strike against a rogue group of Mozzys that ...

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