
The strange interiors of nanoscale cubosomes

Under certain conditions, appropriately selected particles can form closed surfaces in liquids with surprisingly complex shapes, cutting through space via a regular network of channels. Advanced theoretical modelling carried ...

Sand dunes are important desert dust sources

Dust storms are a common occurrence in the deserts of northern China, and has accumulated to great thicknesses to form the vast Chinese loess plateau. Researchers have attempted to locate the most important sources of this ...

Astronomers discover unexpected changes of bright spots on Ceres

Ceres is the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and the only such object classed as a dwarf planet. NASA's Dawn spacecraft has been in orbit around Ceres for more than a year and has mapped its surface ...

Climate variations analyzed five million years back in time

When we talk about climate change today, we have to look at what the climate was previously like in order to recognise the natural variations and to be able to distinguish them from the human-induced changes. Researchers ...

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