
Climate change to result in tasteless, poor-quality food

Appetite for Change, a report prepared by leading climate scientists David Karoly and Richard Eckard at the University of Melbourne, reveals the impact that shifting rainfall patterns, extreme weather, warming oceans, and ...

Rediscovering Ireland's rich history of wild plants​

Ireland lost one million souls to hunger and disease during the potato famine and another million to immigration. But that's not all, says Peter Wyse Jackson, PhD, president of the Missouri Botanical Garden and the George ...

Richard III videos made available to public

The University of Leicester is making a suite of documentary footage available to media and the public ahead of the reburial of King Richard III.

Encryption for everyone

In the wake of the revelations that intelligence agencies have been engaged in mass surveillance activities, both industry and society at large are looking for practicable encryption solutions that protect businesses and ...

Humble neutron is valuable tool in geology

With the ability to analyse the properties of the Earth's internal components to the atomic scale in conditions only found kilometres below our feet, recent studies have allowed geoscientists to study our planets internal ...

Finding fault: New information may help understand earthquakes

New modeling and analyses of fault geometry in the Earth's crust by geoscientist Michele Cooke and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are advancing knowledge about fault development in regions where one ...

A more tolerant America?

As the nation's headlines turn more and more to issues of tolerance—race, religion, free speech, same sex marriage—research by San Diego State University Psychology Professor Jean M. Twenge shows that Americans are actually ...

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