
New analysis of clay deposits in ancient Martian Lakes

Mars was once a much wetter world than it is now, with hot springs, rivers, lakes and perhaps even oceans. Just how wet exactly, and for how long, is still a subject of considerable debate. One vital clue comes from clay ...

Student-designed robots take on March Madness

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sixty-six national and international high school teams will take their robots to the courts this weekend to compete in the 21st season of the Los Angeles regional FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of ...

The amazing technology that crafted the Webb Telescope technology

The creation of the next generation James Webb Space Telescope was only possible as a result of imagining and developing the industrial machines that would make it a reality. In the near future, some of that industrial technology ...

Glass from the past informs decisions for the future

A new investment at the Department of Energy’s EMSL is now being used in an international effort to study 1,800-year-old pieces of glass from a Roman shipwreck and ruin. The primary goal of the research is not archaeological; ...

That's, like, super cooool

A study published in December in the Journal of Voice found that female college students have popularized a linguistic fad called “vocal fry,” which has been described as a “guttural fluttering of the vocal ...

Space Image: Enceladus, Saturn's moon

(PhysOrg.com) -- Below a darkened Enceladus, a plume of water ice is backlit in this view of one of Saturn's most dramatic moons.

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