
Organized cybercrime—not your average mafia

Does the common stereotype for "organized crime" hold up for organizations of hackers? Research from Michigan State University is one of the first to identify common attributes of cybercrime networks, revealing how these ...

Banking on a new community isotope database

Stable isotopes act like fingerprints or fibers in forensics, capturing details of where someone or something lived, what it ate or breathed, and how its environment changed over time.

'Living fossil' may upend basic tenet of evolutionary theory

The field of evolutionary biology has seen its share of spirited debates. But if there's one principle that virtually every expert in the field agrees on, it's that natural selection occurs at the level of the genome.

NRL researching rivers in the sky

Meteorologists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory plan to take a harder look in 2020 at a prime, yet difficult to model, component of the global water cycle known as atmospheric rivers.

Bartonella bacteria found in hemangiosarcoma tumors from dogs

Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a very high prevalence of Bartonella bacteria in tumors and tissues—but not blood samples—taken from dogs with hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the blood vessels. ...

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