
Making the internet accessible to everyone

The ways in which we access the internet are expanding, placing hurdles in the way of those with sensory impairments as they try to get the most out of their online experience. The EU's CLOUD4ALL project is taking on the ...

IBM study details the future of automotive industry

During the Automotive News World Congress this week, IBM revealed results of its new Automotive 2025 Global Study, outlining an industry ripe for disruptive changes that are breaking down borders of the automotive ecosystem. ...

Three nearly Earth-size planets found orbiting nearby star

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, despite being hobbled by the loss of critical guidance systems, has discovered a star with three planets only slightly larger than Earth. The outermost planet orbits in the "Goldilocks" zone, ...

Satellite telemetry tracks bearded vultures

The Pyrenees are home to continental Europe's only wild population of bearded vultures, a species classified as endangered in Spain. A study compiled by Spanish researchers reveals - in a level of detail hitherto unseen - ...

Study: Diabetes drug affecting fish in Lake Michigan

Researchers have found that pharmaceuticals and personal-care byproducts persist at low levels miles from sewage discharge pipes in Lake Michigan. And a study from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee shows that the most ...

Nanoparticles for clean drinking water

One way of removing harmful nitrate from drinking water is to catalyse its conversion to nitrogen. This process suffers from the drawback that it often produces ammonia. By using palladium nanoparticles as a catalyst, and ...

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