
Websites of Israel bourse, airline brought down

The websites of Israeli national carrier El Al and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) were both offline on Monday morning, hours after they were reportedly threatened by a Saudi hacker.

Exploring space burps

(PhysOrg.com) -- Forget the Big Bang theory on the origins of the universe. University of Alberta physicist Greg Sivakoff is looking to find the secrets of the Big Burp theory.

Drilling for climate change

Researchers aboard the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution will finish their Mediterranean voyage next week to unearth thousands of centuries of climate data from beneath the ocean floor.

Improving web search

Research from Victoria University could help search engines understand people’s queries much better.

China's Internet population tops 500 million

China now has more than 500 million people on the Internet and nearly half use weibos, microblogs similar to Twitter that can circumvent the country's powerful censors, official data showed Monday.

Russian Mars probe meets inglorious end in Pacific

Russia vowed Monday to expose the officials responsible for the failure of a Mars probe that the military said crashed into the Pacific Ocean after orbiting the Earth for more than two months.

'French Steve Jobs' shakes up mobile phone market

Hailed as the French Steve Jobs, entrepreneur Xavier Niel is shaking up the country's mobile phone market with a maverick style far removed from France's traditionally conservative business practices.

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