
Arctic air temps highest since 1900, global report says

The Arctic is heating up, with air temperatures the hottest in 115 years, and the melting ice destroying walrus habitat and forcing some fish northward, a global scientific report said Tuesday.

NASA's GPM measured Super Typhoon Melor's heavy rainfall

Super-Typhoon Melor moved through the central and northern Philippines and dropped heavy rainfall on Dec. 14, 2015 and Dec. 15, 2015. The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM core satellite measured the rainfall within ...

Increased spread rate of the fish round goby in the Baltic Sea

The invasive fish species round goby is spreading at an incredible rate in the Baltic Sea. In his doctoral dissertation, Magnus Thorlacius at UmeƄ University in Sweden, presents evidence of asocial behaviour, higher risk ...

Transparent metal films for smart phone, tablet and TV displays

A new material that is both highly transparent and electrically conductive could make large screen displays, smart windows and even touch screens and solar cells more affordable and efficient, according to the Penn State ...

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