
The PROMISE of greater energy efficiency on Europe's islands

While the EU may be made up of 28 Member States, the number of islands within the union runs into the thousands, dotted around the seas of the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean. While climate and cultures may vary, many ...

Critical consumers do often buy genetically modified food

Many people disapprove of genetically modified food. You would therefore expect them to avoid these products in supermarkets. Dutch researchers at TU Delft have revealed that by no means all European consumers put that theory ...

Renewable fuel standard needs to be modified, not repealed

(Phys.org) —Congress should minimally modify – and not, as petroleum-related interests have increasingly lobbied for, repeal – the Renewable Fuel Standard, the most comprehensive renewable energy policy in the U.S., ...

Making low-fat cheese taste better

In an effort to promote better public health, recent European law requires producers to limit fat content, particularly in cheese and cheese-based products.

US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

As a researcher funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), since October 1, I've known that I will be not be receiving my monthly fellowship. This has meant that my work, investigating genes' role in vertebrate development, ...

Air, water and sun: The ingredients of 'green gasoline'

(Phys.org) —Mimicking a natural process perfected over billions of years to capture solar energy, researchers are creating artificial photosynthetic systems that will turn air and water into transport fuel.

Apple hires Burberry CEO to boost store sales (Update)

Apple is entrusting the elegant stores that help define its brand to Angela Ahrendts, a respected executive who blended fashion sense with technological savvy to establish Burberry as a mark of luxury and success.

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