
Starving black hole returns brilliant galaxy to the shadows

The mystery of a rare change in the behaviour of a supermassive black hole at the centre of a distant galaxy has been solved by an international team of astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope along with the NASA/ESA ...

8,000-year-old female figurine uncovered in central Turkey

Archaeologists have uncovered a rare stone figurine of a woman dating back 8,000 years at a dig in Turkey's central province of Konya that an expert says is one of only handful of statuettes of the era ever found in one piece.

Plutonium keeps its electrons close to home

Found in nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons, plutonium is an incredibly complex element that has far-ranging energy, security, and environmental effects. To understand plutonium, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ...

Simple math, antimatter, and the birth of the Universe

If x2 = 4, then what is x? Did you just think "2"? Is that correct? Well, yes and no. The fact that there is a parallel but equally valid answer that x is negative 2 has been a difficult and intriguing conundrum to everyone ...

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