
Video: NASA's SDO catches a double photobomb

On Sept. 13, 2015, as NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, kept up its constant watch on the sun, its view was photobombed not once, but twice. Just as the moon came into SDO's field of view on a path to cross the sun, ...

Need for reliable data on sharks

It is a fact – there have been 25 shark attacks in the past eight months in Australia, compared with 23 in all of 2014. However, scientists dispute this nominal increase is cause for a shark cull in northern NSW.

A happier environment for fish

Just below the sun-warmed surface of a dam, the water temperature can be breath-catchingly cold. So imagine how chilly the water gets when you descend another 20, 30 or even 50 metres to the dam bed.

Is rainwater for outdoor taps only?

The water shortages and restrictions of the 2000s encouraged many people to install rainwater tanks. Joining those ranks of tanks are the ones included in new houses and renovations to meet the requirements of the Building ...

Moral dilemma when money's at stake

On the seventh anniversary of the global financial crisis, a study has found that it may be possible, with specific ethics training, to improve the moral judgment of finance students.

The vibrant tapestry of social networks

It takes two human beings to create another human being. Known as a dyad, the smallest possible social unit, it is the first social network we are acquainted with. As we grow up, the networks we develop from school, work ...

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