
Dew helps ground cloud computing

The most obvious disadvantage of putting your data in the cloud is losing access when you have no internet connection. According to research publishes in the International Journal of Cloud Computing, this is where "dew" could ...

Making a smart material smarter

A team of researchers, including some from Michigan State University, is making a smart material smarter.

NASA gets infrared view of new Tropical Storm 20W

The twentieth tropical depression of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean formed early on September 14 and became a tropical storm the next day, triggering a tropical storm watch. NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the low pressure ...

German automakers take on Tesla in electric cars

Germany's mighty auto industry is stepping on the accelerator so it won't be left behind by a US upstart racing ahead in the market for luxury electric cars.

New school-evaluation method fails to affect housing prices

The controversial new method of evaluating teachers and schools - called "value-added" - does not appear to affect property values, finds research by economists at Michigan State University and Cornell University.

Are early childhood educators undervalued?

With the federal election around the corner, child care has become a major ballot issue. While every party has its own idea of how best to offset the costs of raising children, no one is looking at how we perceive and value ...

Toyota launches hydrogen-fueled sedan

Toyota is taking the next step in its quest for carbon-free travel with the launch of the Mirai hydrogen-fueled sedan.

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