
Facebook page that praised UK killer taken down

(AP) -- A Facebook fan page that glorified a dead killer was removed by its creator Thursday after it drew sharp criticism from Britain's prime minister and put the social networking site in an uncomfortable situation.

FCC seeks to boost rural health care program use

(AP) -- Federal regulators are proposing changes to expand use of the $400 million government program that subsidizes Internet services at hospitals, clinics and other health care facilities in rural areas.

Retrovirus replication process different than thought

How a retrovirus, like HIV, reproduces and assembles new viruses is different than previously thought, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. Understanding the steps a virus takes for assembly could allow ...

New light on Leonardo Da Vinci's faces

How did Leonardo Da Vinci manage to paint such perfect faces? For the first time a quantitative chemical analysis has been done on seven paintings from the Louvre Museum (including the Mona Lisa) without extracting any samples.

Ironing out the causes of wrinkles

As a sign of aging or in a suit, wrinkles are almost never welcome, but two papers in the current issue of Physical Review Letters offer some perspective on what determines their size and shape in soft materials.

A new molecular technique detects Anisakis in all fish

A new method enables anisakids to be detected in any fish product, from a whole fish, fresh or frozen, to tinned fish and surimi. Developed by Spanish scientists, the system is based on molecular techniques and overcomes ...

Better alignment needed between high schools, community colleges

High schools need to work with community colleges to align their curricula better and to reduce the number of students who need to enroll in remedial courses, according to a University of Illinois expert who studies community ...

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