
Geologic map of the entire moon at 1:2,500,000 scale

Chinese scientists have created the most detailed map of the moon yet. It took them 10 years and involved hundreds of researchers. The new map will be a boon to lunar exploration and for anyone who just wants to study our ...

Freshwaters release methane, even when they dry out

Freshwaters are underestimated sources of greenhouse gases. In a study published in Science of The Total Environment, researchers with the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) have now shown ...

Older Australians need more financial support amid pandemic

Financial experts are encouraging pre-retirees to sharpen their financial skills as a new report from the University of South Australia shows that 31% of older Australians (aged 55+ years) feel insecure about their financial ...

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