
The story behind infinitely recyclable plastic

A multidisciplinary Berkeley Lab team has been working for several years to develop a game-changing plastic that, unlike traditional plastics, can be recycled indefinitely and is not made from petroleum. Their latest milestone ...

The 'grand tour' Atlantic Ocean water takes around the world

Scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and colleagues have created an estimate of the journey water makes around the world ocean basins. They used information from more ...

Crosslinker protein helps egg cells develop

A protein helps direct the flow of materials in the Drosophila ovary during the development of egg cells, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Current Biology.

Bioreactors chip away at nitrogen pollution

Bioreactors are underground trenches filled with woodchips. They have been gaining traction as a tool to remove nitrogen from the water in agricultural settings.

How carbon-intensive industries can scale up carbon recycling

New technologies that capture and recycle carbon dioxide from industrial processes such as steel and cement making will be vital if the EU is to meet its goal of slashing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and ...

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