
Guide to Pluto opposition 2016

What an age we live in. This summer marks the very first opposition of Pluto since New Horizons' historic flyby of the distant world in July 2015. If you were like us, you sat transfixed during the crucial flyby phase, the ...

Versatile method yields synthetic biology building blocks, body

Synthetic biology involves creating artificial replica that mimic the building blocks of living systems. It aims at recreating biological phenomena in the laboratory following a bottom-up approach. Today scientists routinely ...

The riddle of life's single-handedness

Try shaking a colleague's left hand with your right hand. It just doesn't work, does it? Your right palm and her or his left palm cannot mesh comfortably because hands are chiral objects, having non-superimposable mirror ...

Research proves the improbable can be made possible

Microprocessors are at the heart of devices such as computers, smart phones and iPads. In the Texas Architecture and Compiler Optimization (TACO) lab at Texas A&M University, Dr. Daniel Jiménez, professor in the Department ...

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