
Dawn of agriculture took toll on health

When populations around the globe started turning to agriculture around 10,000 years ago, regardless of their locations and type of crops, a similar trend occurred: The height and health of the people declined.

Do steaks make you big?

(PhysOrg.com) -- Adjusting the intake of high protein foods like meat, eggs and milk products could determine whether you become a rugby player or marathon runner and may help you lose weight, according to new research published ...

Amazon's elite product reviewers

(PhysOrg.com) -- Comments about a product online can make or break a sale. But who are the people behind the reviews and why do they do it?

Important aspects of signalling across cell membranes in plants

(PhysOrg.com) -- Every living plant cell and animal cell is surrounded by a membrane that helps it communicate with other cells and the outside world. These cellular membranes contain receptor molecules that serve as the ...

There's a mouse in the maze

First, there was Mickey Mouse. Then came Mighty Mouse. Now, at the dawn of the 21st century, comes micromouse, the little robot that could. Actually, a total of 13 micromice visited the UC San Diego campus last month, for ...

A research breakthrough toward odor-generating TV

(PhysOrg.com) -- Today’s television programs are designed to trigger your emotions and your mind through your senses of sound and sight. But what if they could trigger a few more? What if you could smell or taste the ...

First Australian spinosaur dinosaur had global distribution

(PhysOrg.com) -- Could the first Australian spinosaur dinosaur be a Baryonyx? New research has uncovered a fossil cervical vertebra that is nearly identical to a Baryonyx specimen at the Museum. This research suggests spinosaurs ...

Comet Hartley 2

(PhysOrg.com) -- The comet Hartley 2 is a relatively small and elongated comet - only about 0.6 x 0.4 kilometers in size. It orbits the sun every 6.46 years, getting as close to it as 1.05 astronomical units (the Earth is ...

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