
A practical guide to green products and services

A new report published today by the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), provides key information for policy makers and business managers on how to assess the environmental impacts ...

Female terrorists' bios belie stereotypes, study finds

Much like their male counterparts, female terrorists are likely to be educated, employed and native residents of the country where they commit a terrorist act, according to new research published by the American Psychological ...

'Mixed' family moms ensure minority culture continues in the home

The mothers of Britain's 'mixed families' are ensuring their children learn about their heritage and culture, according to a development project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). So, even if the child's ...

Former astronaut criticizes NASA's current course

Former NASA astronaut Story Musgrave is neither happy nor excited about the current state of the space administration or about the commercial COTS (Commercial Orbital Transportation Services) program. He’s not happy, ...

Sea lions fuel ocean life

Like whales, sea lions are contributing to marine ecosystems in the most fundamental way possible, research by a Flinders graduate has found.

You just got a haircut from Asteroid 2012 JU

OK, we admit that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but an asteroid about the size of a school bus did come fairly close to Earth yesterday! On May 13, Asteroid 2012 JU passed harmlessly between Earth and Moon. This space ...

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