
Larger horns a gamble for young Soay sheep

When it comes to winning mates, larger horns are an asset for male Soay sheep. But those that grow them may be putting their young lives on the line, according to a study published online on May 15th in Current Biology.

Embryonic pathway delivers stem cell traits

Studies of how cancer cells spread have led to a surprising discovery about the creation of cells with adult stem cell characteristics, offering potentially major implications for regenerative medicine and for cancer treatment.

Immune cells kill foes by disrupting mitochondria 2 ways

When killer T cells of the immune system encounter virus-infected or cancer cells, they unload a lethal mix of toxic proteins that trigger the target cells to self-destruct. A new study shows T cells can initiate cellular ...

New driver of brand extension success found by UM professor

Brand extensions, like Jeep’s strollers, Maxim’s hair color, or Apple’s iTunes are lucrative ways that a brand can increase its revenue and customer base-or confuse and alienate them. In an increasingly borderless world ...

Geneticists trace the evolution of St. Louis encephalitis

Before West Nile virus arrived in this country, we had (and still have) a home-grown relative of this pathogen. An epidemic of unknown origin exploded around St. Louis, Missouri in the autumn of 1933, a disease that is now ...

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