
Researchers test power network with pizza ovens

How much load can the electricity network really take? That was the key question during a special test in Lochem, The Netherlands, last week, in which researchers from the University of Twente participated. Twenty residents ...

Roar of China's 'Great Cannon' heard across the internet

China has once again surprised researchers by unleashing what has been dubbed its "Great Cannon" – a cyber weapon that has in recent weeks brought down several websites including the Github software code repository and ...

Engineering team invents a camera that powers itself

A research team led by Shree K. Nayar, T.C. Chang Professor of Computer Science at Columbia Engineering, has invented a prototype video camera that is the first to be fully self-powered—it can produce an image each second, ...

How children view privacy differently from adults

Have you seen the how-to video of a teenage girl styling her hair that went disastrously wrong? She was obviously very disturbed by what happened, yet still uploaded the footage onto YouTube. Do you think a 45 or 50 year-old ...

Green tea as a therapeutic delivery system for anticancer drugs

The humble cup of tea has long been regarded as a cure-all for the hustle and bustle of modern life. Now, researchers from the A*STAR Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have identified another benefit of tea—they ...

Study examines why people stop donating to college athletics

As lawmakers and others debate whether and how college athletes should be paid and coaches' salaries and facilities arms races come into focus, fundraising is drawing renewed interest. Yet no one seems to be considering one ...

Chimps in Senegal found to fashion spears for hunting

(Phys.org)—Members of a troop of chimpanzees living at a site called Fongoli in southeastern Senegal have been observed by scientists fashioning tree branches into spears and using them to hunt and kill bushbabies. The ...

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