
Microsoft's Zune HD Leaked

(PhysOrg.com) -- It looks like Microsoft's Zune HD player will be a strong competition for Apple's iPod Touch. Uunconfirmed technical specifications of Microsoft's Zune HD player have now emerged and the new portable media ...

Simple new way to analyze sleep disorders

Sleep is such an essential part of human existence that we spend about a third of our lives doing it -- some more successfully than others. Sleep disorders afflict some 50-70 million people in the United States and are a ...

Red pandas reveal an unexpected (artificial) sweet tooth

Researchers from the Monell Center report that the red panda is the first non-primate mammal to display a liking for the artificial sweetener aspartame. This unexpected affinity for an artificial sweetener may reflect structural ...

Physicists put a new spin on electrons

In the first demonstration of its kind, researchers at the University of British Columbia have controlled the spin of electrons using a ballistic technique--bouncing electrons through a microscopic channel of precisely constructed, ...

Rice researchers unzip the future

Scientists at Rice University have found a simple way to create basic elements for aircraft, flat-screen TVs, electronics and other products that incorporate sheets of tough, electrically conductive material.

Parasite breaks its own DNA to avoid detection

The parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which causes African sleeping sickness, is like a thief donning a disguise. Every time the host's immune cells get close to destroying the parasite, it escapes detection by rearranging its ...

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