
Nitrogen fixation key to ocean life

How do ocean gardens grow? Specifically, how do those gardens get nitrogen, which is critical to producing life, and will nitrogen sources to the ocean in the future be different as the ocean changes?

X-ray studies search for Ebola cure

In experiments carried out partly at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, scientists have determined in atomic detail how a potential drug molecule fits into and blocks a channel in cell membranes ...

Stunning conjunction of Mars and Beta Scorpii this week

Planets can sneak up on you. Especially the ones that don't rise till you're in bed. Take Mars for instance. It's been ambling east along the morning zodiac all winter long; today it enters Scorpius, rising around 1:30 a.m. Not ...

Dolphin count reveals homebody habits

The Kimberley's resident dolphin populations seem to be homebodies who stay in the same area year-in year-out and also avoid mixing with their neighbours, according to research into how the mammals live.

The quest for spin liquids

Post-doctoral researchers, Karim Essafi, Owen Benton and Ludovic Jaubert in the Theory of Quantum Matter Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) are on a quest to find out as much ...

Nature's cheats—how animals and plants trick and deceive

As night closes in across Kentucky a small chubby spider makes a silk line between two plants. She then moves along her "trapeze wire" and waits. After a while a moth approaches within range, and the spider unleashes a swinging ...

Dueling climate cycles may increase sea level swings

The tropical Pacific Ocean isn't flat like a pond. Instead, it regularly has a high side and a low side. Natural cycles such as El Niño and La Niña events cause this sea level seesaw to tip back and forth, with the ocean ...

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