
Settlement history determines regional development

In many countries, including but not limited to Russia, frontier regions, populated more recently than the country's core territory, tend to lag behind in terms of socio-economic development. This phenomenon can be explained ...

Winds hide Atlantic variability from Europe's winters

Shifting winds may explain why long-term fluctuations in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures have no apparent influence on Europe's wintertime temperatures. The findings, published in Nature Communications, could also ...

Pregnant T. rex could aid in dino sex-typing

A pregnant Tyrannosaurus rex that roamed Montana 68 million years ago may be the key to discerning gender differences between theropod, or meat-eating dinosaur, species. Researchers from North Carolina State University and ...

How a pill could improve breast cancer diagnoses

The ongoing debate about breast cancer diagnostics has left many women confused—particularly over what age they should get mammograms and who needs treatment. An issue with current methods is that they often identify lumps ...

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