
System would destroy asteroids that threaten Earth

As an asteroid roughly half as large as a football field—and with energy equal to a large hydrogen bomb—readies for a fly-by of Earth on Friday, two California scientists are unveiling their proposal for a system that ...

EU-project on deep-sea organisms

The collaborative project PharmaSea will bring European researchers to some of the deepest, coldest and hottest places on the planet. Scientists from the UK, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and ...

Extreme winters impact fish negatively

Ecologists from Umeå University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim have studied fish communities and fish habitat and reviewed the importance of winter conditions for fish in streams and ...

No health effects from Fukushima: Japan researcher

A Japanese government-backed researcher said Friday no health effects from radiation released by the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have been seen in people living nearby.

Researchers build self-repairing "systemic" computer

(Phys.org)—Computer scientists Christos Sakellariou and Peter Bentley working together at University College in London, have built a new kind of computer that runs instruction segments randomly, rather than sequentially, ...

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