
Thermal storage gets more solar on the grid

(PhysOrg.com) -- It's 4:45 on a sweltering August afternoon, and the rooftop solar panels are starting to lose juice. The sun's lower angles and that huge cottonwood tree are interfering with the efficient photon-to-electricity ...

Spin-orbit sum rule to speed up X-ray scattering research

A new theory developed by Prof Gerrit van der Laan, from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and Diamond Light Source, and published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters, provides a powerful sum ...

Start-up finds online meaning

(PhysOrg.com) -- Software developed at Oxford University that accurately assesses what people mean from what they say online will provide a valuable ‘sentiment analysis’ tool for businesses, particularly finance ...

Chicago as urban microcosm

Quaint Boston can’t match Chicago’s bustle and sprawl, but the two cities are more alike than not in fundamental respects.  In fact, they’re surprisingly similar to Los Angeles, New York, Washington, ...

Boost for wave energy: half the Wave Hub berths now filled

Two of the four berths at an EU-funded grid-connected offshore marine-energy test site have now been filled. Wave Hub, located off the Cornish coast in the United Kingdom, is the largest test site of its type in the world. ...

Hackers take aim at Nasdaq, Bats websites

Hackers have targeted the public websites of the operators of the Nasdaq and Bats stock exchanges over the past two days with cyberattacks that disrupted the sites but had no impact on trading.

Researchers combine mobile phone technology and microscopy

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed an optical accessory that turns an ordinary camera phone into a high-resolution microscope. The device is accurate to one hundredth of a millimetre. Among those who will ...

Tiny chameleons discovered in Madagascar

Four new species of miniaturized lizards have been identified in Madagascar. These lizards, just tens of millimeters from head to tail and in some cases small enough to stand on the head of a match, rank among the smallest ...

New genus of Eugaleaspidiforms found in China

In a study published in the latest issue of of Vertebrata PalAsiatic [2012(1)], paleontologists from Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing reported a new ...

Russia launches European telecoms satellite

A Russian Proton-M rocket completed the successful launch Wednesday of a European telecommunications satellite after a two-month delay.

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