
Kaspersky tips Android to dominate mobile

Computer security expert Eugene Kaspersky predicted on Tuesday that Google's Android smartphone operating system will come to dominate the market, reducing Apple and BlackBerry to niche players.

Complexity in core-shell nanomagnets

The magnetic exchange bias coupling between core and shell depends critically on the "frozen spins" that reside at the interface between the two different magnetic nanomaterials, according to users from Purdue University ...

Bacteria shed light on toxic medicine

A new method developed in Wageningen should facilitate the early testing of drugs, reducing costs and the need for animal testing.

Apple unveils digital media subscription service

Apple, in a move long awaited by publishers seeking new sources of revenue, unveiled a subscription service on Tuesday for digital newspapers and magazines purchased through its online App Store.

How do women fend off domestic violence?

For many women in violent relationships, leaving is not an option. Yet a woman's arsenal of defenses for resisting violence critically depends on her position within the family and community, according to new research from ...

Weeds and the Murray

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study has revealed that human-induced changes in the flow of the Murray River has led to mass weed invasion and reduced biodiversity in wetlands along the riverbank, highlighting the need for a review ...

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