
Project maps 'astronomical' number of celestial objects

Nearly 700 million astronomical objects have been carefully cataloged and made public as part of a major international collaboration involving researchers from The Australian National University (ANU).

Blending rules for 3-D printing bone

By combining synthetic polymers and natural materials it is possible to increase the range of characteristics that might be fabricated using 3-D printing of components, according to research published in the International ...

Researcher discusses how social movements succeed

The summer of 2020 was not the first time activists marched in the streets of major U.S. cities, expressing their outrage over high-profile episodes of police brutality and demanding an end to racial inequities. Nor was it ...

Optoacoustic sensor measures water content in living tissue

Researchers from Skoltech and the University of Texas Medical Branch (US) have shown how optoacoustics can be used for monitoring skin water content, a technique which is promising for medical applications such as tissue ...

Phytoplankton factory in the Argentine Sea

The Goldilocks zone typically refers to the habitable area around a star where conditions are right for the existence of liquid water and possibly life. But on Earth, the South Atlantic Ocean has its own kind of Goldilocks ...

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