
Out with the keyboard as talk takes over typing

With the recent acquisition by Facebook of voice-recognition company Wit.ai, all four major players in the post-PC market (Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook) now have a significant infrastructure for hands-free communication ...

China taxi booking app raises $600 mn for expansion

The operator of one of China's leading taxi booking apps, Kuaidi Dache, has raised $600 million for expansion, a statement said Thursday, even as the government tightens control over such services.

Using clay to fight fish disease

A type of clay used in cosmetics, medicine, and papermaking may be just what aquaculture farmers need to fight columnaris—a costly and deadly bacterial disease that affects freshwater finfish worldwide.

Isotopic memory of atmospheric persistence

Chemical analysis of some of the world's oldest rocks, by an international team led by McGill University researchers, has provided the earliest record yet of Earth's atmosphere. The results show that the air 4 billion years ...

A grim future for coral reefs—why it matters for New Zealand

The outlook for coral reefs around the world is bleak—predictions are that they could be completely gone in just a few decades. Coral reefs are a vital part of marine ecosystems but are being destroyed by global warming ...

Lower-cost navigation system developed for self-driving cars

A new software system developed at the University of Michigan uses video game technology to help solve one of the most daunting hurdles facing self-driving and automated cars—the high cost of the laser scanners they use ...

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